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All reports by Author Ke Yang:

TR03-085 | 28th November 2003
Ke Yang

On the (Im)possibility of Non-interactive Correlation Distillation

We study the problem of non-interactive correlation distillation
(NICD). Suppose Alice and Bob each has a string, denoted by
$A=a_0a_1\cdots a_{n-1}$ and $B=b_0b_1\cdots b_{n-1}$,
respectively. Furthermore, for every $k=0,1,...,n-1$, $(a_k,b_k)$ is
independently drawn from a distribution $\noise$, known as the ``noise
mode''. Alice and Bob wish to ``distill'' the correlation
more >>>

TR03-082 | 22nd November 2003
Andris Ambainis, Ke Yang

Towards the Classical Communication Complexity of Entanglement Distillation Protocols with Incomplete Information

Entanglement is an essential resource for quantum communication and quantum computation, similar to shared random bits in the classical world. Entanglement distillation extracts nearly-perfect entanglement from imperfect entangled state. The classical communication complexity of these protocols is the minimal amount of classical information that needs to be exchanged for the ... more >>>

TR03-014 | 28th February 2003
Avrim Blum, Ke Yang

On Statistical Query Sampling and NMR Quantum Computing

We introduce a ``Statistical Query Sampling'' model, in which
the goal of an algorithm is to produce an element in a hidden set
$S\subseteq\bit^n$ with reasonable probability. The algorithm
gains information about $S$ through oracle calls (statistical
queries), where the algorithm submits a query function $g(\cdot)$
and receives ... more >>>

TR02-060 | 15th July 2002
Ke Yang

New Lower Bounds for Statistical Query Learning

We prove two lower bounds on the Statistical Query (SQ) learning
model. The first lower bound is on weak-learning. We prove that for a
concept class of SQ-dimension $d$, a running time of
$\Omega(d/\log d)$ is needed. The SQ-dimension of a concept class is
defined to be the maximum number ... more >>>

TR01-098 | 19th November 2001
Ke Yang

On Learning Correlated Boolean Functions Using Statistical Query

In this paper, we study the problem of using statistical
query (SQ) to learn highly correlated boolean functions, namely, a
class of functions where any
pair agree on significantly more than a fraction 1/2 of the inputs.
We give a limit on how well ... more >>>

TR01-057 | 15th August 2001
Boaz Barak, Oded Goldreich, Russell Impagliazzo, Steven Rudich, Amit Sahai, Salil Vadhan, Ke Yang

On the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs

Informally, an <i>obfuscator</i> <b>O</b> is an (efficient, probabilistic)
"compiler" that takes as input a program (or circuit) <b>P</b> and
produces a new program <b>O(P)</b> that has the same functionality as <b>P</b>
yet is "unintelligible" in some sense. Obfuscators, if they exist,
would have a wide variety of cryptographic ... more >>>

TR00-012 | 14th February 2000
Ke Yang

Integer Circuit Evaluation is PSPACE-complete

In this paper, we address the problem of evaluating the
Integer Circuit (IC), or the $\{\cup, \times, +\}$-circuit over
the set of natural numbers. The problem is a natural extension
to the integer expression by Stockmeyer and Mayer, and is also studied
by Mckenzie, Vollmer and Wagner in ... more >>>

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