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Reports tagged with Probabilistic Proof Systems:
TR01-093 | 2nd December 2001
Boaz Barak, Oded Goldreich

Universal Arguments and their Applications

We put forward a new type of
computationally-sound proof systems, called universal-arguments,
which are related but different from both CS-proofs (as defined
by Micali) and arguments (as defined by Brassard, Chaum and
Crepeau). In particular, we adopt the instance-based
prover-efficiency paradigm of CS-proofs, but follow the
computational-soundness condition of ... more >>>

TR02-063 | 3rd December 2002
Oded Goldreich

Zero-Knowledge twenty years after its invention

Zero-knowledge proofs are proofs that are both convincing and yet
yield nothing beyond the validity of the assertion being proven.
Since their introduction about twenty years ago,
zero-knowledge proofs have attracted a lot of attention
and have, in turn, contributed to the development of other
areas of cryptography and complexity ... more >>>

TR06-136 | 22nd October 2006
Mihir Bellare, Oded Goldreich

On Probabilistic versus Deterministic Provers in the Definition of Proofs Of Knowledge

This note points out a gap between two natural formulations of
the concept of a proof of knowledge, and shows that in all
natural cases (e.g., NP-statements) this gap can be closed.
The aforementioned formulations differ by whether they refer to
(all possible) probabilistic or deterministic prover strategies.
Unlike ... more >>>

TR13-020 | 2nd February 2013
Tom Gur, Ran Raz

Arthur-Merlin Streaming Complexity

We study the power of Arthur-Merlin probabilistic proof systems in the data stream model. We show a canonical $\mathcal{AM}$ streaming algorithm for a wide class of data stream problems. The algorithm offers a tradeoff between the length of the proof and the space complexity that is needed to verify it.

... more >>>

TR13-078 | 28th May 2013
Tom Gur, Ron Rothblum

Non-Interactive Proofs of Proximity

Revisions: 1

We initiate a study of non-interactive proofs of proximity. These proof-systems consist of a verifier that wishes to ascertain the validity of a given statement, using a short (sublinear length) explicitly given proof, and a sublinear number of queries to its input. Since the verifier cannot even read the entire ... more >>>

TR13-183 | 22nd December 2013
Yael Tauman Kalai, Ran Raz, Ron Rothblum

How to Delegate Computations: The Power of No-Signaling Proofs

Revisions: 1

We construct a 1-round delegation scheme (i.e., argument-system) for every language computable in time t=t(n), where the running time of the prover is poly(t) and the running time of the verifier is n*polylog(t). In particular, for every language in P we obtain a delegation scheme with almost linear time verification. ... more >>>

TR15-024 | 16th February 2015
Oded Goldreich, Tom Gur, Ron Rothblum

Proofs of Proximity for Context-Free Languages and Read-Once Branching Programs

Proofs of proximity are probabilistic proof systems in which the verifier only queries a sub-linear number of input bits, and soundness only means that, with high probability, the input is close to an accepting input. In their minimal form, called Merlin-Arthur proofs of proximity (MAP), the verifier receives, in addition ... more >>>

TR16-192 | 25th November 2016
Oded Goldreich, Tom Gur

Universal Locally Verifiable Codes and 3-Round Interactive Proofs of Proximity for CSP

Revisions: 2 , Comments: 1

Universal locally testable codes (Universal-LTCs), recently introduced in our companion paper [GG16], are codes that admit local tests for membership in numerous possible subcodes, allowing for testing properties of the encoded message. In this work, we initiate the study of the NP analogue of these codes, wherein the testing procedures ... more >>>

TR18-083 | 25th April 2018
Tom Gur, Ron D. Rothblum, Yang P. Liu

An Exponential Separation Between MA and AM Proofs of Proximity

Revisions: 2

Non-interactive proofs of proximity allow a sublinear-time verifier to check that
a given input is close to the language, given access to a short proof. Two natural
variants of such proof systems are MA-proofs of Proximity (MAP), in which the proof
is a function of the input only, and AM-proofs ... more >>>

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